Untitled - by La Salle de Bains
- by La Salle de Bains - 3/27/2006 - 1:12:08 am
v1- by La Salle de Bains - 3/27/2006 1:12:08 am
La Salle de Bains3/27/2006 1:13:02 am
I name her 'Manfred'.
GOOMBa3/27/2006 5:15:34 am
Manfred was the christian name of the Red Baron - Manfred von Richtofen. He was a small man and some enemy pilots speculated that the Red Baron was a woman. "Petite Rouge" the French called him. eeeeeee---ooowwwwwwww.....duggaduggaduggadugga....BooM!
La Salle de Bains3/27/2006 6:30:03 am