pink and cyan static television (sun) set - by fatribz
pink and cyan static television (sun) set
- by fatribz - 7/27/2006 - 12:35:04 pm
v1- by fatribz - 7/27/2006 12:35:04 pm
fatribz7/27/2006 12:35:44 pm
mf7/27/2006 1:18:38 pm
nifty. reminds me of the movie "the last supper"
Anubix7/27/2006 2:49:20 pm
this stuff is amazing, youre using the slide glitch right?
fatribz7/27/2006 3:22:32 pm
yas, that would be depressing if i wasn't haha
\<7/28/2006 12:53:06 am
tsss! pure laziness! ;) mrae doesnt slidehack!
quit showing off! and ghostsngoblins!
fatribz11/21/2010 2:43:01 pm
wow, good point. Better late than never ever