Untitled - by mic
- by mic - 10/13/2006 - 9:55:52 am
v1- by mic - 10/13/2006 9:55:52 am
mic10/13/2006 9:58:32 am
A K I M B O ! ! !
totally whipped my ass on tuesday.

+ http://youtube.com/watch?v=fP83IrERdP4
mrae10/13/2006 11:43:19 am
kix10/13/2006 1:50:44 pm
yeah nice to see you back!
cool pyramids
\<10/14/2006 2:31:44 am
hey mic :) that aint you on the drums though, is it?
and check out this drummer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TviTCFAGr6w < off of the ytfrontpage, lame i know, but still
chain-shot10/14/2006 6:04:07 pm
akimbo always puts on a good show. no doubt.
mic10/15/2006 3:26:59 am
hey kix, i've been here all the time, but the time wasn't with me. heh, must be unclear.
<, of course this was one of the early songs i learned to play, after sweet child of mine and smoke on the water.... : }
on the photo is akimbo's drummer, who is truly insane. someone said that drum kits salesmen are happy when akimbo are in town, because drum sales start breaking records....