convex hull VERSUS - by fatribz
convex hull VERSUS
- by fatribz - 1/27/2007 - 3:45:43 pm
v1- by fatribz - 1/27/2007 3:45:43 pm
fatribz1/27/2007 3:46:28 pm
...yo, fuck that shit!
ethermonkey1/27/2007 8:36:56 pm
veronica1/28/2007 3:43:32 pm
pluck it
GB1/29/2007 7:11:44 pm
I took a graphics processing class backn in college.. one of the class projects was writing a character recognition program. The method was like what you drew above... first, you would wrap a virtual rubber band around the character, then make a note of the rubber band's shape. Next, do hole detection to find-out how many holes were in the character.. A triangle with one hole was a capital letter A.. A rectangle with two holes was a capital letter B...