Untitled - by purplemartin
- by purplemartin - 3/25/2007 - 6:43:32 pm
v1- by purplemartin - 3/25/2007 6:43:32 pm
nicolemartin3/25/2007 6:44:00 pm
the first casuality of spring on the elementary school playground....
fatribz3/25/2007 6:56:43 pm
i like plants and all m(r)s.martin, but that PCP has got to go!
nicolemartin3/25/2007 7:15:12 pm
caffeine is the only drug I do. I can understand being into the spirit of the season, it's Lent.
You are on fire with the spirit in the Sky!
fatribz3/25/2007 10:58:44 pm
is pizza sauce considered a drug? coz it sure has a way of elevating my spirits!
nicolemartin3/26/2007 3:02:03 am
I apologize for offending you. In these parts (aka my domecile) calling people crackhead is daily thing. Nobody ever smokes it. They just act like they do. I was being silly (and tired) and even if I wasn't- my opinion should not be important, because it isn't. Fin.
fatribz3/26/2007 7:13:49 am
well i was having fun with it too; i am not the most sober person, mnyasee? and i was hoping you liked pizza sauce
nicolemartin3/26/2007 4:27:20 pm
I have never snorted pizza sauce. Does it have side effects?
fatribz3/27/2007 12:40:28 pm