Untitled - by tthunderdan
- by tthunderdan - 6/7/2007 - 3:16:44 pm
v1- by tthunderdan - 6/7/2007 3:16:44 pm
tthunderdan6/7/2007 3:16:55 pm
tthunderdan6/7/2007 3:25:34 pm
...I never done that before...but if I did, it would look something like this...believe it, or not...
tthunderdan6/7/2007 3:33:53 pm
...remember back when an ounce of kick-ass 'gold' was $35...and the doobees were fat...and the chrome was thick, and _________________________________ (fill in as you wish)...
fatribz6/7/2007 9:09:51 pm
i like old cars. anythings 60s and earlier is cool, why do they look so great back in the day? how hard is it to make a car just look GOOD? wont anyone do it? it will take me a while befor ei have enough money and then sparetime to make my own car or atleast body.. please pass the lighter... oh wait its on my lap..derrrr
veronica6/7/2007 11:43:33 pm
1966 oldsmobile tornado, black. true love.
veronica6/8/2007 12:01:22 am
1966 oldsmobile tornado
1965 el camino,
either in black.
HALE6/9/2007 12:03:53 am
I have a '79 Pontiac Trans Am, metallic midnight blue, with T-tops and a big blue monochromatic eagle on the hood, new upholstery, does that do anything for you?