Untitled - by espcomix
- by espcomix - 8/15/2007 - 9:46:48 pm
v1- by espcomix - 8/15/2007 9:46:48 pm
espcomix8/15/2007 9:49:26 pm
seeker8/15/2007 10:31:50 pm
hhhahahha yeah!
fatribz8/16/2007 4:09:38 am
damn it, i was supposed to be up and say 'UPDATE: *insert something about my previous statement being untrue in some sort of hopefully funny way*' but this draw IS actually better than my pile of rotten egg pixels!! i'm thinkin about getting a draw pad stylus thing real soon.
espcomix8/16/2007 1:05:45 pm
you the man ribz
espcomix8/16/2007 1:09:34 pm
I was going to say you sank my battleship