Untitled - by ad
- by ad - 10/11/2007 - 3:51:25 pm
v1- by ad - 10/11/2007 3:51:25 pm
ad10/11/2007 3:51:31 pm
HALE10/11/2007 6:33:44 pm
when you look up and see the white bird carrying the brown cow, don't worry, just go under it. Keep going, I don't know exactly how far, maybe a couple of miles, until you get to the pyramids, you'll see them on the horizon.
ekeoutmyisis10/11/2007 8:30:47 pm
um....that's a GOAT not a cow thank you very much. and they are enjoying their egyptian vacation. the tonybird and jogoat KNOW how to get there.
HALE10/11/2007 8:43:57 pm
that's very sweet.
fatrib10/12/2007 10:38:14 am
good tidings