Untitled - by emma
- by emma - 4/30/2005 - 7:05:22 am
v1- by emma - 4/30/2005 7:05:22 am
emma4/30/2005 7:11:09 am
this is about a dream that came true once. i dreamed that i was crossing some at some traffic lights in my city and these two guys walked past me. then two weeks later the two same guys walked past me. i had another where i was at school and some of my friends were sat on the stairs in a class room and then about 3 weeks last it came true with every one in the exacat places as they were in my dream. i had one where i got married but i could work out who the guy i was marring was it was either one of these guy that i know but he had blonde hair and two house one in england and one in florida (cant spell it) anyway the rest is abit dirtyto say!