Untitled - by moheevi
- by moheevi - 11/5/2005 - 8:10:25 pm
v1- by moheevi - 11/5/2005 8:10:25 pm
moheevi11/5/2005 8:12:01 pm
I've had this nightmare since I was little, I don't know why but it always scares me. Just a bear chasing me on a hill top and me trying to run away.
Dr \<11/7/2005 12:26:50 pm
youll have to face the bear in real life or it will haunt your dreams for fuckin ever.
naranjon11/8/2005 7:28:23 pm
I agree with the doc, you must go on a bear quest.
naranjon11/8/2005 8:22:02 pm
wait is that fozzie?
moheevi11/8/2005 9:35:47 pm
Will it be like Dreamquest w/ Jenna Jameson? I sure hope so...
Doc \<11/14/2005 11:12:38 pm
if you find someone who dresses up as a bear and engages in sexual intercourse with you, that would prolly do the trick. confrontational sex therapy, baby.
\<11/14/2005 11:18:30 pm
i'm startin to wonder if its the same bear as in dream #23 =O
moheevi11/15/2005 8:48:12 am
That's weird dude...didn't see that until now. I guess the bear gets around.