Untitled - by seeka
- by seeka - 8/11/2004 - 6:54:52 pm
v1- by seeka - 8/11/2004 6:54:52 pm
seeka8/11/2004 6:55:28 pm
*gasp* *g*
yanbu8/11/2004 7:28:18 pm
is it a bad label? i'm sorry . . maybe i should have written 'drawrers'?? or 'people drawing that are good'? hmmm - is that a 10 ton weight that fell on your robot?
yanbu8/11/2004 11:21:44 pm
ok ok - duly noted and removed. my apologies
seeka8/12/2004 1:08:58 am
that label puts ten ton pressure on me.....
that was a joke on my site!!!!!...go ahead with whatever pleases you...i am addicted to your side....*g*