Untitled - by sheep
- by sheep - 6/22/2004 - 9:21:58 am
v1- by sheep - 6/22/2004 9:21:58 am
sheep6/22/2004 9:29:37 am
Lighting the lantern with one of your last matches, you slowly make your way down the ladder reaching underground. There appears to be 4 tunnels leading to a junction that contains water. You need to find out how deep the water is before you continue. What are you going to do now? Note; There are still objects in the hall that have not been investigated."Think Green"
mf6/22/2004 3:42:09 pm
try opening the green door (not "THE" green door) with the crobar
sheep6/22/2004 3:51:52 pm
Great job! Returning to the top, you place the lantern down, and approach the brite green door. Smacking the side of your head, you wonder why you didn't see that before. Please wait for next panel(PWFNP).