Untitled - by sheep
- by sheep - 10/26/2004 - 5:50:35 pm
v1- by sheep - 10/26/2004 5:50:35 pm
mf10/26/2004 5:55:51 pm
oh shit, that cant be good
sheep10/26/2004 5:57:35 pm
You steady your arm and fire! You see the nut rip into his arm, then nick his stomach. As the room goes dark, you relize you knocked the flashlight out of his hand and into the sewer below. He yells out "You son of a bitch!" then stumbles in the darkness. You take another shot in the dark, but all you hear is the nut hitting the wall. You need to decide what to do and fast. He probably knows the room better than you, so eventually he'll find you. What do you want to do?
sheep10/30/2004 9:36:23 am
WOW! I just had the strangest dream. I signed into the Green Door Alley and you were dead! Good thing it was just a dream. Ok, let's move on.
the boy10/30/2004 1:49:07 pm
turn on the flashlight on your arm and fire again!
mf10/30/2004 1:52:02 pm
plan C! plan C! break arm, fracture ribs, make him talk!
mf10/30/2004 1:53:21 pm
oh, but first do that well devised plan of throwing bolts, placing light, trickery, from behind with attack...
sheep10/30/2004 2:16:10 pm
Plan "C" it is!
the boy11/3/2004 5:08:34 pm
is this rising tension leading to yet another climax in the story? or has sheep left us? i am worried.
unknown11/3/2004 5:20:52 pm
there was actually an infringement on the patriotic act with plan "c". sheep has been detained for questioning. his whereabouts are unkown at the time, but it is belived that he is in great danger of being stripped of his freedoms and forced to stop any further posts on this board.