Untitled - by sheep
- by sheep - 1/23/2007 - 4:37:09 pm
v1- by sheep - 1/23/2007 4:37:09 pm
sheep1/23/2007 4:47:00 pm
You pop your head out and take a look around.It looks like some type of basement with assorted car parts on the floor and shelves. There's a stairway at the far end that leads upstairs and an old cargo elevator to your right. There's no sign of the doctor but you can see light filtering through the doorway that leads upstairs. What are you going to do now?

PS. I really wanted to add more car parts but time was running short so pretend that the whole basement is full of parts. This will come in play at the end of the story.
yanbu1/23/2007 6:45:07 pm
the stairs! our friend first
ethermonkey1/24/2007 12:05:29 am
clone to der stairs, 'praps armed with that curvy pipe, und we checkum the green cabinet right quick. yup.
fatriblet1/24/2007 7:25:41 pm
leave no friend behind
yanbu1/25/2007 7:33:47 pm
no friend behind policy in effect