another halloween greeting - by tthunderdan
another halloween greeting
- by tthunderdan - 10/31/2007 - 1:21:00 pm Time: 8 mins 32 secs
v1- by tthunderdan - 10/31/2007 1:21:00 pm
Time: 8 mins 32 secs
tthunderdan10/31/2007 1:25:31 pm
...the retouch is mesmerizing to me, but it kinda' takes something away from the draws I think, I am not complaining, absolutely not complaining at all, but it kind of does what videotape did to the Wizard Of Oz, you know, being able to see it more than once a year, being able to change an original might make one put less effort into the original??? nah, never mind...
yanbu10/31/2007 1:34:40 pm
i could possibly disallow re-touch on a per person basis. . . i had the same internal argument about the option, i think it also is a nice thing to have when you have run out of time to work on something but want to finish more in the future
fatribz10/31/2007 1:53:56 pm
great retouch. i think retouch is the futures!
tthunderdan10/31/2007 1:58:55 pm
...retouch=progress I will adjust...
bupobm10/31/2007 2:09:40 pm
I had the same internal thought.

(I haven't fully explored the new site so this may already be a feature)
But Maybe you could make an option where you could leave an image "unfinished" cause you have to go, so as to not actually post it to the board yet. Then come back and retouch/finish after work and post it...
HALE10/31/2007 2:15:38 pm
I agree with bupobm. Save an image until its finished and ready to be posted. Or maybe a Work-In-Progress Board, folder or something. BUT I don't really NEED anything. THis is all fabulous, and like fatrobots said retouch is the futures like flying cars, food in pill form, jetpacks and teleportation
tthunderdan10/31/2007 2:20:59 pm
...and changing the old draws is to much fun, and I don't want to draw a new one...but by the looks of the member list, I can afford to layoff for awhile and let younz' catch up a bit....
yanbu10/31/2007 2:42:06 pm
dude, unknown has got you beat