I am soo tired of all - by seeka
I am soo tired of all
- by seeka - 12/29/2007 - 6:44:29 am Time: 1 min 35 secs
v1 - by seeka - 12/29/2007 6:44:29 am
Time: 1 min 25 secs
seeka12/29/2007 6:45:21 am
..one of these days on which I find no beauty in the world.
v2 - by seeka - 12/29/2007 6:49:21 am
Time: 10 secs
ethermonkey12/29/2007 7:16:17 am
Weary myself; come over, i'll make you some tea
seeka12/29/2007 10:11:54 am
with Hebiskusblossoms? :P
seeka12/29/2007 10:13:23 am
I will bring "carborella" an organic chocolate....is that fine with you? Any wishes?
fatribz12/30/2007 12:52:21 am
seeka, you are beauty (too)
seeka12/30/2007 4:43:26 am