winter solider - by fatribz, loopdogg
winter solider
- by fatribz, loopdogg - 2/4/2008 - 9:47:19 pm Time: 1 hr 8 mins 15 secs
collaborative drawing open to fatribz, loopdogg
v1 - by fatribz - 2/4/2008 9:47:19 pm
Time: 12 mins 59 secs
fatribz2/4/2008 9:47:54 pm
loopdogg join me(?) i dont see a list
fatribz2/4/2008 9:48:19 pm
i saw a list
yanbu2/5/2008 4:50:52 am
the collab just got another update, was this intended as a solo draw? it might be that the update affected it - explain wha happen?
fatribz2/5/2008 9:15:16 am
nah, i just didn't know you had to click send to see the list on the next page, i think everything's alright
loopdogg2/5/2008 9:47:13 am
thursday homeslice!
yanbu2/5/2008 1:38:47 pm
aH OK - also after you save the draw, you can click the 'collab' link for that draw (in the top bar with the title next to the re-touch etc) -

collab NOW shows a list of who's open for the collab in the comments section, and in the title bar it will show the names of who has contributed to the draw so far (it will only show the names of who has actually re-touched and saved a layer in the title bar) but will show the list of who's open to draw in the comments! pretty nifty, and lots of thanks to klaasens for the programming magic
fatribz2/9/2008 8:13:16 am
yanbu2/9/2008 8:20:01 am
no? you mean no to new change in collabsing?
fatribz2/10/2008 6:11:18 am
nah of course not. just thursday came and went, and loopdogg is too busy for draws..hopefully its the sorta busy where he gets paid a good bit or has a jolly good time away from the computer and not the pain in the ass PITA sort.
v2 - by loopdogg - 2/10/2008 7:16:37 pm
Time: 55 mins 16 secs
loopdogg2/10/2008 7:16:57 pm
fatribz2/10/2008 7:26:15 pm
yyEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! oh hells jeah mang (::
bradthedad2/11/2008 5:54:48 am
very nice! I think i saw this scene on the news yesterday! Ha!