Lord, protect me against food poisoning on this day. - by VanLodz
Lord, protect me against food poisoning on this day.
- by VanLodz - 2/16/2008 - 11:26:30 am Time: 2 mins 51 secs
v1- by VanLodz - 2/16/2008 11:26:30 am
Time: 2 mins 51 secs
Al2/16/2008 2:20:34 pm
Is it a bad sign when you sneeze and end up shitting yourself?
fatribz2/16/2008 2:59:31 pm
(:: title
VanLodz2/16/2008 7:58:52 pm
what about if you poop your pants while blowing your nose??? oh dang.
Al2/16/2008 8:49:32 pm
Did you ever sneeze, burp, and yawn at the same time? I have.