:p - by idwtwwr, Al, fatribz
- by idwtwwr, Al, fatribz - 4/3/2008 - 5:11:45 pm Time: 23 mins 41 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by idwtwwr - 4/3/2008 5:11:45 pm
Time: 1 min 24 secs
v2 - by Al - 4/3/2008 6:38:41 pm
Time: 1 min 8 secs
v3 - by fatribz - 4/3/2008 8:26:44 pm
Time: 5 mins 15 secs
v4 - by fatribz - 4/3/2008 10:43:14 pm
Time: 3 mins 2 secs
fatribz4/3/2008 10:50:35 pm
the slide hack is well known, but how about the bézier hack? the drag from outside for more? i gotta get this out, i dont see anyone ever do it and i cant hold this secret mission shit to myself anylonger, friends. PM for hot details
v5 - by idwtwwr - 4/4/2008 7:12:48 am
Time: 12 mins 52 secs