bad guys - by mf
bad guys
- by mf - 4/24/2008 - 7:24:54 am Time: 33 mins 48 secs
v1 - by mf - 4/24/2008 7:24:54 am
Time: 7 mins 51 secs
mf4/24/2008 7:25:11 am
fer ribby
mf4/24/2008 7:25:46 am
fer ribby
v2 - by mf - 4/24/2008 7:32:26 am
Time: 5 mins 32 secs
fatribz4/24/2008 10:18:40 am
nice! that octopod is espcly rad as hell! would you like add some some animation to em?

i see slide glitch and versions would be great for this sorta thing, make your default dude, then slide glitch some copies(for idle,walk,attack,etc animation lines) and in each version make a new frame in animating whatever that glitch copy is doing..
or i can photoshop crap too but its not as sexy real
v3 - by mf - 4/24/2008 11:11:39 am
Time: 8 mins 22 secs
v4 - by mf - 4/24/2008 8:03:27 pm
Time: 12 mins 3 secs
fatribz4/25/2008 2:01:35 pm
oly fuck!