For Anything Drawrings Board - by fatribz
For Anything Drawrings Board
- by fatribz - 6/21/2008 - 12:42:52 pm Time: 12 mins 4 secs
v1- by fatribz - 6/21/2008 12:42:52 pm
Time: 12 mins 4 secs
fatribz6/21/2008 12:44:00 pm
dead viney bush yardwork and bbq later on
fatribz6/21/2008 12:44:12 pm
in a thunderstorm
yanbu6/21/2008 1:04:41 pm
is that a hazy fade? it's really somerhing. i just talked to aunt in detroit who told of this storm, with it's hail and things falling from the sky
fatribz6/21/2008 2:22:33 pm
..should be some barbecue.. hohoo.. no hail here though..yet... (.....().))...

i want #fit hands

4fitted asscheeks