"What you sit on but cannot take with you?" Asks Natalia - by fatribz
"What you sit on but cannot take with you?" Asks Natalia
- by fatribz - 8/2/2008 - 6:12:22 pm Time: 53 mins 17 secs
v1- by fatribz - 8/2/2008 6:12:22 pm
Time: 53 mins 17 secs
fatribz8/2/2008 6:13:24 pm
allman vibe8/2/2008 8:44:10 pm
wow dude
fatribz8/3/2008 8:33:40 am
does anyone see what this is a 'drawing' of!?
ds8/3/2008 8:56:25 am
I see a sailboat.
ds8/3/2008 9:16:03 am
but seriously, this is great.
allman vibe8/3/2008 1:24:39 pm
it reminds me of a lot of things
fatribz8/3/2008 4:50:34 pm
look deeper!!!
yanbu8/3/2008 5:00:48 pm
i spent some moments staring at this and can't find anything other than some vague associations like italy, lava, mountains, owls, mr. t, and those special barcode stickers on UPS packages
ds8/3/2008 5:16:07 pm
fatribz8/4/2008 4:06:38 pm
yes, ds!m
yanbu8/4/2008 4:45:26 pm
i still missed the answer. shit. what?
fatribz8/5/2008 3:47:04 pm
it's a magical eye, fromo!
word's out!
hit the deck!
allman vibe8/5/2008 6:29:12 pm
thats totally what i thought it was.. but i have trouble crossing my eyes..
yanbu8/5/2008 6:59:09 pm
i can't find no magic eyemage! help computa
yanbu8/5/2008 7:05:20 pm
whoa, it is a magic eye! i am seeing something, it's like a lion with it's paws around some guys neck, and the guy is wincing? i bet i'm seeing this wrong. am i close? any clues?
deerfactory8/5/2008 9:52:46 pm
i can see an island with some refections in the water...ah....no...its a office chair!!
The Angry Flagman8/6/2008 9:47:34 am
I think its a three eyed frog playing castanets.
fatribz8/7/2008 4:00:02 pm
dream it so!
yes the image looses its juice with the highest contrast, but it is based on the 3dmodel o' a office chair.. ds's album cover is true