hallobean head - by mf, fatribz
hallobean head
- by mf, fatribz - 12/21/2008 - 1:25:39 pm Time: 27 mins 21 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by mf - 12/21/2008 1:25:39 pm
Time: 4 mins 24 secs
v2 - by fatribz - 12/21/2008 3:54:44 pm
Time: 10 mins 55 secs
v3 - by mf - 12/21/2008 4:31:05 pm
Time: 12 mins 2 secs
ds12/21/2008 9:39:24 pm
oh man, ski free.
fatribz12/22/2008 2:21:18 pm
its the only way to ski
mf12/23/2008 4:34:47 am
some people....
fatribz12/23/2008 2:01:07 pm
are faggins
yanbu12/24/2008 4:27:28 am
thanks for erasing that out, mf.

faggins i've been quiet concering you trashing other people's drawings verbally but now you're trashing them artistically and that's not cool. can you give me any reason why i shouldn't prevent you from participating here?
Al12/24/2008 10:15:17 am
I totally agree with Yanbu.
yanbu12/26/2008 4:04:16 pm
this draw is fixed, as are the others