Untitled - by tthunderdan
- by tthunderdan - 6/20/2009 - 9:04:38 am Time: 36 mins 39 secs
v1- by tthunderdan - 6/20/2009 9:04:38 am
Time: 36 mins 39 secs
tthunderdan6/20/2009 9:04:50 am
FailedSquare6/20/2009 9:26:49 am
i lol'd
Al6/20/2009 9:28:20 am
some people just can't take a joke.
tthunderdan6/20/2009 10:08:05 am
...years ago, a foreman where I worked pulled that on a management lady, he about lost his job over it, she filed sexual harassment ag'n him...I am pretty sure she was of the 'alternative lifestyle' set...you know, lebonese...
Al6/20/2009 10:20:24 am
I work with a lebonese and she is the most pissed off person i have ever met. She wont even say hi to me. And she is not the 1st that I have encountered with that attitude. Never mess with a lebonese.
Al6/20/2009 10:57:47 am
.... oh wait a minute. They are beautiful!!!! Sorry.
fatribz6/20/2009 1:19:20 pm
ahahah.. thats a goodie, Dan, must borrow that one.
and a hehehoo to Princesse Alexa with her beverage

and for my last tidbit:
experience + beer = beerience
"In my beerience, using a blow torch to shotgun a can o' beer has proven the most reliable."

i want to be the inventor of that word. did someone beat me to it?
tthunderdan6/20/2009 2:28:44 pm
...if I ever hear it again, I'll say "that fatribz dude invented that word, I remember"...
seeka6/20/2009 2:44:40 pm
in 36 minutes and 39 secs? You are amazing.
yanbu6/20/2009 5:26:12 pm