this belongs in the freezer - by mf
this belongs in the freezer
- by mf - 7/9/2009 - 8:05:46 pm Time: 10 mins 5 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1- by mf - 7/9/2009 8:05:46 pm
Time: 10 mins 5 secs
yanbu7/9/2009 8:31:16 pm
oh wow . . weird, i was thinking something along those lines earlier, maybe the erniesque feel on naranjon's creature
mf7/9/2009 8:38:53 pm
was baroosing some mine old draws. came across the ernie. i chuckled.
Narbonne7/10/2009 2:21:06 pm
Hey Rich, this is the artist formally known as Anubix. I lost my password and don't use whatever e-mail address I used back then, can you send it to me?
fatribz7/10/2009 4:16:11 pm
yanbu7/10/2009 6:47:00 pm
hey anubix yes, i will email that to you! long time no see, what's happening
FailedSquare7/15/2009 11:51:25 pm
because its clearly ice cream