midiapp test 1 - by yanbu
midiapp test 1
- by yanbu - 11/13/2009 - 8:20:27 pm Time: 12 mins 
v1- by yanbu - 11/13/2009 8:20:27 pm
Time: 12 mins
yanbu11/13/2009 8:21:27 pm
ds it's awesome! despite my shitty test draw, it works flawlessly
ds11/13/2009 8:40:30 pm
nice! i'm really glad it seems to be working for people. feel free to post it. i'll drop you a mail if and when there are updates to the code.
yanbu11/13/2009 9:39:16 pm
midi etch-a-sketch! what about x-y mouse control
Al11/14/2009 12:32:12 am
This is great!!