Untitled - by idwtwwr
- by idwtwwr - 1/12/2010 - 3:08:03 pm Time: 1 hr 19 mins 52 secs
v1- by idwtwwr - 1/12/2010 3:08:03 pm
Time: 1 hr 19 mins 52 secs
HALE1/12/2010 3:11:08 pm
Shunt1/12/2010 3:11:48 pm
idwtwwr, do you use a brush or something? Your creations look almost impossible to be drawn by the applet, really!
idwtwwr1/12/2010 3:51:59 pm
no special equipment, but ds' midi tool. which is GREAT. very much colors^^

idwtwwr1/12/2010 3:53:40 pm
one more version before bed. ;)
mrae1/12/2010 5:36:01 pm
fatribz1/14/2010 4:51:39 am
makes me wanna brunch it up TODAY