Peer Patat - by Shunt
Peer Patat
- by Shunt - 3/24/2010 - 5:44:36 am Time: 26 mins 27 secs
v1- by Shunt - 3/24/2010 5:44:36 am
Time: 26 mins 27 secs
Shunt3/24/2010 5:45:58 am
It's a creature my sister made from a deformed potato!

yanbu3/24/2010 7:20:07 pm
:) nice
mrae3/25/2010 9:01:46 pm
Ms. Potato-Egghead! I love it!
fatribz3/26/2010 5:07:21 am
wwowow this is so cool to see here i love the yellow ( and the pointing hands)