If Mania and Depression could copulate, creative suicide would be the death of him. - by socialiststeaparty
If Mania and Depression could copulate, creative suicide would be the death of him.
- by socialiststeaparty - 9/22/2010 - 7:02:12 pm Time: 1 hr 5 mins 19 secs
v1 - by socialiststeaparty - 9/22/2010 7:02:12 pm
Time: 1 hr 5 mins 7 secs
socialiststeaparty9/22/2010 7:03:13 pm
fatribz9/23/2010 4:58:44 am
articles of pizza party
yanbu9/23/2010 4:14:09 pm
knife party, tupperware. why does this style seem familiar?
socialiststeaparty9/23/2010 5:27:50 pm
v2 - by socialiststeaparty - 9/23/2010 5:28:21 pm
Time: 12 secs
yanbu9/23/2010 8:18:06 pm
oh no srry this drawing reminded me of something i've seen recently, i can't put my finger on it! no offense intended, love the draw and welcome!