Desktop Adventures -attempt one - by fatribz
Desktop Adventures -attempt one
- by fatribz - 11/24/2010 - 3:07:26 pm Time: 7 mins 43 secs
v1- by fatribz - 11/24/2010 3:07:26 pm
Time: 7 mins 43 secs
fatribz11/24/2010 3:08:12 pm
Meet: The Goodpaints

(or Goodpantz, if you prefer!)
fatribz11/24/2010 4:22:58 pm
Shunt11/25/2010 3:08:00 am
Once again another great tune Fatribz! What software/devices do you use?
Shunt11/25/2010 3:48:15 am
*Take me ho-home ho-home hooouuuaaaaaarrrrghhh!!*
fatribz11/26/2010 6:47:35 am
Reason mostly, then some post production/ruination with cubase and VST plugins
Shunt11/26/2010 8:22:54 am
Nice, if you use Cubase it would be piece of cake to cooperate! If you concider doing this we might get in touch with e-mail: jormeidt§hotmail§com - spambotproof, guess you know what to replace the § with