Let Belsaw prove it - by fatribz
Let Belsaw prove it
- by fatribz - 5/22/2011 - 9:33:23 am Time: 2hrs 23 mins 38 secs
v1- by fatribz - 5/22/2011 9:33:23 am
Time: 2hrs 23 mins 38 secs
fatribz5/22/2011 9:34:29 am
David Swanson - Utica, Michigan
Shunt5/23/2011 6:50:00 am
Searched for it, found it, compared it, liked it!
fatribz5/23/2011 8:38:38 am
(: thanks, history detective
Shunt5/25/2011 1:57:24 pm
august.... Looking forward to that
fatribz5/26/2011 6:09:33 pm
hell yes! August is the place to be this coming Honeymoon Vacation ! Finkle!!
yanbu6/5/2011 7:20:21 am
this is awesome, I did a google image search for david swanson utica michigan, and now this image comes up!