casino sound - by fatribz
casino sound
- by fatribz - 9/9/2011 - 4:28:41 pm Time: 40 mins 14 secs
v1 - by fatribz - 9/9/2011 4:28:41 pm
Time: 10 mins 11 secs
fatribz9/9/2011 4:28:59 pm
dat casio
v2 - by fatribz - 9/10/2011 6:34:08 am
Time: 1 min 50 secs
v3 - by fatribz - 9/10/2011 7:02:07 am
Time: 9 mins 22 secs
fatribz9/10/2011 7:03:58 am

green and blue are the same color there.

curious if without the pattern being so well done, how much it will look like green and blue swirls.
v4 - by fatribz - 9/10/2011 7:08:40 am
Time: 4 mins 33 secs
fatribz9/10/2011 7:09:51 am
the inside with the purple going over the green.. makes it look bluer than the arm further out. hmm!
v5 - by fatribz - 9/10/2011 10:22:24 am
Time: 7 mins 20 secs
v6 - by fatribz - 9/10/2011 10:29:41 am
Time: 6 mins 58 secs
Shunt9/10/2011 1:50:08 pm
Strange. I love strange.