- by Shunt, fatribz, ethermonkey, espcomix - 8/9/2012 - 8:34:52 am Time: 26 mins 49 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by Shunt - 8/9/2012 8:34:52 am
Time: 1 min 43 secs
v2 - by Shunt - 8/9/2012 9:57:48 am
Time: 2 mins 48 secs
v3 - by Shunt - 8/9/2012 11:07:10 am
Time: 1 min 55 secs
Shunt8/9/2012 11:07:35 am
I fo[k1ng can NOT draw hands properly!!
fatribz8/9/2012 12:48:52 pm
v4 - by fatribz - 8/9/2012 4:48:39 pm
Time: 6 mins 9 secs
fatribz8/9/2012 4:49:08 pm
what do you think? did i make an improvement?
fatribz8/9/2012 6:44:36 pm
I think this is a stretch. What pure quantum state are you speaking of? Hilbert and Wavy Gravy both have their say.
Shunt8/9/2012 9:46:39 pm
you made, without any doubt whatsoever, an undeniable improvement! Love it!
Could someone meanwhile take care of that deformed hand?
Shunt8/11/2012 12:20:31 am
What? Where has espcomix' addition gone?
yanbu8/11/2012 7:02:51 am
ugh! the site went down last night due to webserver issues from the people i pay rent to, they fixed it but it looks like they just reverted to an earlier backup? i'll dig through and try to find that particular version to restore. i hope i can, it was grand!
yanbu8/11/2012 7:11:49 am
in other news: http://www.10eastern.com/drawings/45/32362.swf how did I miss this one? love it full screen!
v5 - by ethermonkey - 8/11/2012 6:04:55 pm
Time: 47 secs
v6 - by espcomix - 8/12/2012 1:43:19 am
Time: 13 mins 27 secs
espcomix8/12/2012 1:53:32 am
thank you yanbo, 10eastern is my favorite place on the web to draw and the people are awesome!
i feel at home at 10E. Live long and prosper
all you 10eastern artistes.
Shunt8/12/2012 2:24:25 am
fatribz8/13/2012 6:47:39 pm
yeayhahah esp. cheers good folks. and hoy, yanbu, how the shit, indeed do these things happen! "... and i'll be your nipples." _ peter
ethermonkey4/20/2013 4:48:57 pm
I was looking back on the past year and when I came to his fella I was surprised to see that I was part of the collab... until I noticed the bonus nipples!