Diane - by Shunt
- by Shunt - 1/14/2013 - 12:42:35 pm Time: 10 mins 39 secs
v1 - by Shunt - 1/14/2013 12:42:35 pm
Time: 8 mins 54 secs
Shunt1/14/2013 12:43:30 pm
This is Diane Buchenbacher-Barthold.
v2 - by Shunt - 1/14/2013 12:48:19 pm
Time: 14 secs
Shunt1/14/2013 12:49:39 pm
And just WHY does Firefox all of the freaking sudden ask if the applet is safe EVERYTIME I want to draw??
Shunt1/17/2013 8:46:21 am
Yes yes, I did! Thanks for that super remix!!
v3 - by Shunt - 2/7/2013 7:53:01 am
Time: 1 min 31 secs