Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 8/5/2005 - 1:33:57 am
v1- by kix - 8/5/2005 1:33:57 am
kix8/5/2005 1:34:37 am
tim8/5/2005 1:38:14 am
damn sucka, you mus' be crazy!
Gerold Blankface8/5/2005 1:42:25 am
holy sheep$h1t !!!
this is flat-out wonderful !
kix8/5/2005 1:46:49 am
not that i even needed it here, but i found a away to customize the colorfields !
just mix a color and then rightckick on a field :)
btw thx all! doing this pic was fun...
alextemple8/5/2005 1:49:33 am
jesus, you animal
naranjon8/5/2005 1:53:41 am
damn I knew there had to be a way to customize the color fields, damn, so easy too, that couldve saved me so much time......sweet drawing by the way.
kix8/5/2005 2:07:40 am
yeah... it can be interesting to choose a bunch of colors BEFORE drawing for inspiring yourself!
fatribz8/5/2005 2:46:39 am
mrae8/5/2005 2:58:39 am
damn kix you are on F I R E!!!!!
mrae8/5/2005 3:03:52 am
damn kix you are on F I R E!!!!!
sheep8/5/2005 3:10:28 am
wow, WOW, //( )//!
tthunderdan8/5/2005 6:58:57 am