1 alextemple dingdong351@yahoo.com myspace.com/everyoneusedtolikecoolio glue sticks.......are delicious 2005/8/12 (Fri.) 17:19:46 1 The angry flagman I alway wanted to eat paper mache when i was a punk brat. I reminded me of Cream of wheat, Paste was kind of tasty too. 2005/8/12 (Fri.) 17:39:24 1 idliketothinkso haha 2005/8/13 (Sat.) 00:18:32 2 mic there isn't a bone inside your penis 2005/8/14 (Sun.) 01:03:15 2 yanbu hahah!! 2005/8/14 (Sun.) 02:23:53 2 le tristes ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2005/8/14 (Sun.) 21:17:06 2 kix supercool haha 2005/8/15 (Mon.) 02:06:34 2 The angry flagman Is that a ..... BONER? 2005/8/15 (Mon.) 03:41:21 3 eno Sweden legalized bestiality in 1944 2005/8/15 (Mon.) 04:53:12 3 Pink MONKEY no wonder they're never at war. 2005/8/15 (Mon.) 09:09:27 4 Pink MONKEY Newborns up to 6 mos old, if placed in water CAN swim...UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION OF COURSE 2005/8/16 (Tue.) 06:58:15 5 sheep The moon landing was more dangerous than they led the public to believe. 2005/8/17 (Wed.) 04:57:27 6 mrspinkmonkey You CANNOT guage the size of a mans penis by the size of his hands...right Pink Monkey? 2005/8/17 (Wed.) 07:35:45 7 necro tenshi NECROMARU'S HEAD IS REMOVABLE! :D! *sews his head back on again* hehe.

Necromaru: "hi! <3" "what's your name?" *to everyone* *__* *creepy overly happy smile*

^-^ ain't he cute!? *hugs him* n_n <3 <3

Necromaru: ^-^ <3 "YAY!" 2005/8/17 (Wed.) 14:33:19 5 mic hhahhha 2005/8/17 (Wed.) 20:43:49 8 sheep On a one way mirror the tips of a pencil will not touch....on a two way they will. 2005/8/19 (Fri.) 04:00:19 8 alextemple dingdong351@yahoo.com myspace.com/everyoneusedtolikecoolio wow, that is an interesting fact
2005/8/19 (Fri.) 09:05:22 9 The angry flagman The serpintine belt will always fall off on the wetest, coldest days or in the middle of the night in a snow storm when you have no cell phone or tools and you need to take a dump and your still 25 miles from home....... 2005/8/19 (Fri.) 22:00:20 6 The angry flagman You behave!!!!! 2005/8/19 (Fri.) 22:22:05 8 k1dd0 hm word question...are 2way mirrors the ones they use in copshows n supermarkets n ish? then this pencil thing is a neat trick to find out if theyre watchin you, huh. well last time i was interrogated for stealing alien technology from a secret underground base near berlin they took all my pencils away first tho. bummer. 2005/8/19 (Fri.) 23:00:00 8 sheep Yes, two way mirrors you can see through from the other side and spy on people. You can use your finger to test the mirror if you hold it down at a 45 degree angle and touch the mirror. The reason it does this is because the reflective coating on a one way is on the backside of the glass and the space between the pencil/finger is the glass thickness. On a two way the reflective coating is on the front of the glass so there is no space between the pencil/finger. Try it on a mirror at home then do the same with a flat piece of chrome plating. You will see the difference. 2005/8/20 (Sat.) 01:56:43 5 The angry flagman Hey Sheep, Do you listen to Coast to Coast AM ? 2005/8/21 (Sun.) 22:17:41 8 The angry flagman Wow, thats a good test for those motel room mirrors. You can also turn the light out in the room your in and you should see light from behind the glass. 2005/8/21 (Sun.) 22:24:46 5 k1dd0 hehe i do sometimes couple days ago they had this show that finally told the truth about how king arthur had really been a giant. as in a real tall. real tall. oh yeah i think they said they built the pyramids too. 2005/8/21 (Sun.) 23:37:22 8 sheep Not if it's just a camera back there or they're sittin' in the dark. 2005/8/22 (Mon.) 01:02:31 5 sheep Can't say I do flagman. 2005/8/24 (Wed.) 03:48:16 9 loopdogg so very true... 2005/8/29 (Mon.) 02:44:29 10 Sarah Dog paws smell like tortilla chips. 2005/8/30 (Tue.) 00:28:58 10 Rhemy Icejewels That's funny! I think you may be right. My dog, Lola, whenever she has gone too long without a bath, I say that she smells like Cheetos. And she does. It's uncanny! 2005/8/30 (Tue.) 10:53:19 10 jamester Cheetos Freetos Doritos Burritos Gardettos Its All Good. 2005/8/31 (Wed.) 07:50:12 5 jamester Is that also true for te mars rover? 2005/8/31 (Wed.) 07:51:50 3 The Dude That Gives New Meaning To The Phrase ''Porn N' Chicken'' 2005/8/31 (Wed.) 07:53:25 5 sheep Unmaned spacecraft can go just about anywhere. It's when you add humans to spacecraft when things get hairy. It's not too bad when you travel near earth (shuttle) but when you go out near the moon or beyond the radiation is intense. I was told by a very smart dude that the radiation near the moon or beyond is too much for any space suit to handle. If a space suit could handle the radiation, then why didn't they use the suits to fight the fire at Chernobyl? That made me doubt that a man landed on the moon. 2005/9/2 (Fri.) 04:25:35 11 sheep No matter where a piece of rug is on a tile floor, the cat will puke up a hairball on the rug instead of the tile. 2005/9/8 (Thurs.) 03:24:52 11 mrae that's a fact jack! :) 2005/9/8 (Thurs.) 21:13:28 12 seeka Le Tristess wears Zebra-Underwear 2005/9/23 (Fri.) 02:38:48 13 moheevi drink and draw but a little known fact as well. there are no pink bunnies, beastiality is illegal, stars are millions of miles away, fecal matter is not tasty, and 2+2 always equals 5. 2005/9/26 (Mon.) 10:05:24 13 Rene Gonzalez I Love Radiohead's ''Com Lag'' Version Of 2+2=5 2005/9/27 (Tue.) 10:38:27 13 moheevi i need 2 listen 2 that...love the original. hoping radiohead tours the states again so i can actually see one of my favorite bands. 2005/9/28 (Wed.) 09:48:58 13 loopdogg I saw them in St. Louie! ;^)

They are my fav... 2005/9/28 (Wed.) 23:54:01 1 \<::. this is like a real cool drawring!
im listening to thunder kiss '65 right now 2005/10/1 (Sat.) 18:37:38 14 alextemple dingdong351@yahoo.com One brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns 2005/10/3 (Mon.) 05:59:44 14 Jamester Homer Drew A Frowny Face On His Butt While Imitating Mr.Burns. 2005/10/3 (Mon.) 06:21:29 15 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de When you tie a jam bread on the back of a cat and push it down a table, does it turn round and round and round... ? 2005/10/4 (Tue.) 17:01:49 12 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de Hmm, I know the word tristesse, but in my case it never wore zebra underwear.
It just was ugly and stupid... 2005/10/4 (Tue.) 17:04:06 11 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de It's the same effect, when you have a car accident on a road with just one tree in twenty miles... 2005/10/4 (Tue.) 17:05:10 8 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de In Germany in one city, there is a public toilet with two way mirror around, so that you can't look inside, but from inside you can see the people going around shopping. That's disgusting! I couldn't relax on this toilet. 2005/10/4 (Tue.) 17:07:13 6 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de Unfortunately you're right with this Mrspinkmonkey... 2005/10/4 (Tue.) 17:08:28 4 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de But what happens after the sixth month? Do they forget how to swim? 2005/10/4 (Tue.) 17:10:22 1 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de Bon app’Htit! 2005/10/4 (Tue.) 17:12:30 15 Jamester It Probably Lands On Its Side. 2005/10/6 (Thurs.) 06:53:24 15 Anubix thats an awesome cat bubble 2005/10/6 (Thurs.) 22:32:26 16 The angry flagman You cant order kidney beans at any restaurant. 2005/10/9 (Sun.) 06:20:03 16 The angry flagman I should be able to walk into any restaurant and say ( Hey Garzone, Gimme some fuckin kidney beans)But I cant do it because Garzone dont have any. 2005/10/9 (Sun.) 06:22:53 16 moheevi kidney beans are the devil! thomas edison is the devil! 2005/10/10 (Mon.) 07:22:58 16 Jamester Obviously You Haven't Been To A Mexican Restaurant. 2005/10/11 (Tue.) 05:45:17 16 The angry flagman What do they use Kidney beans in ? Can you order a side of kidney beans? 2005/10/11 (Tue.) 05:48:49 15 crazybubble crazy_bubble@freenet.de Does that mean, that it looks good? In this case: Thank You so much! I'm not very good at drawing. (and english too..) 2005/10/11 (Tue.) 15:32:35 16 Anubix garcon = french for boy 2005/10/12 (Wed.) 05:37:57 16 moheevi u like little boys?
2005/10/12 (Wed.) 09:38:54 17 chuck dunkin no comment 2005/10/13 (Thurs.) 02:04:45 16 Jamester Getting The Cat Out Of The Bag There Anubix. 2005/10/13 (Thurs.) 05:38:42 16 mf i can tell you this. go to a skyline chili in Cincinatti. they will give you an order of kidney beans 2005/10/23 (Sun.) 05:36:12 18 SPARKS BOO A pumpkin thrown out of a car going at least 35mph will easily decapitate a mailbox 2005/11/7 (Mon.) 23:59:18 18 Anubix thats a very well know fact 2005/11/15 (Tue.) 13:25:47 19 kix iduunnno 2005/11/18 (Fri.) 04:34:24 19 kix oops.wrong board.srry stond 2005/11/18 (Fri.) 04:35:04 19 moheevi this a what is it? looks like a deck from the enterprise or some space ship. 2005/11/18 (Fri.) 19:45:39 20 kat It's a little known fact...that every Christmas my cats have a death-wish. 2005/12/8 (Thurs.) 22:57:36 20 The angry flagman Most cats have a death wish 365 days a year. 2005/12/10 (Sat.) 22:17:18 20 Rene Gonzalez Can Any Of Your Cats Talk? 2005/12/11 (Sun.) 00:07:14 20 kat Maybe it's paranoia, but I think they do talk...behind my back. 2005/12/11 (Sun.) 18:33:46 21 GOOMBa grantbroom9@hotmail.com FAct: it's harder to draw with a mouse 2005/12/12 (Mon.) 02:24:53 21 seeka yep! but you know I use the curve (bezier) tool then and it gets a little bit more constructive.
Good challenge to think different for reaching a goal. 2005/12/12 (Mon.) 22:45:20 21 seeka OK this was my ''Know-it-all'' part of personallity who spoke 2005/12/12 (Mon.) 22:47:18 21 yanbu hahaha! damn you know it all's 2005/12/13 (Tue.) 20:51:27 18 GOOMBa Any idea what it would do to a speed camera? Just curious. 2005/12/20 (Tue.) 13:06:45 22 blogs.zdnet.com/emergingtech/?p=17 a dry spaghetti can't break into 2 pieces. 2005/12/26 (Mon.) 09:09:20 22 http://blogs.zdnet.com/emergingtech/?p=17 2006/1/2 (Mon.) 20:32:27 13 willee how did you get the red checkmarks to hover above the page like that?
2006/5/24 (Wed.) 11:39:48 3 willee Swedish sheep are currently organizing a revolt 2006/5/24 (Wed.) 11:47:30 23 joe nobody yes, thats eaxactly it, just because you cant get online that means that the entire fucking internet is down, & also everything in offices is square. 2006/5/27 (Sat.) 14:01:18