Untitled - by mrae
- by mrae - 7/27/2006 - 5:32:40 pm
v1- by mrae - 7/27/2006 5:32:40 pm
mrae7/27/2006 5:32:50 pm
HALE7/27/2006 6:10:45 pm
I like the color. It's like sunshine through glacier ice.
\<7/28/2006 12:55:36 am
aloha unlaziness :) have you ever tried blowing them up and printing them out? i bet some of those would look great on your walls :)
fatribz7/28/2006 1:15:12 pm
mrae i dont like you anymore coz you make me look like a damn fool! boo hoooo..hohojust jokes we all coexist in the name of makin neat stuff to look at and this qualifies nicely!
fatribz7/28/2006 1:16:39 pm
and you makin these are not depressing, but mine would be because they are slabs of blahh, ok?
\<7/28/2006 4:31:30 pm
i was jk too, ok? :) about slidehacking making you look lazy i mean, not about mraes pics on walls :)
mrae7/28/2006 8:21:13 pm
thankya! btw i've never been able to figure out the slide hack thingy.....i wish i could....
\<7/28/2006 10:33:33 pm
:D its so simple :) (hasnt someone uploaded a tutorial somewhere?) anyhow

1. draw stuff 2. normalmask the colors of the stuff you wanna slidecopy 3. slide 4. hit a different linetool ( ~ O [] ) than the one currently activated 5. hit undo. OR

1. draw stuff 2. reversemask the colors of the stuff you dont wanna slidecopy 3. slide 4. hit a different linetool than the one currently activated 5. hit undo

thats the basics, i havent really figured out what happens after that, all this maskslidestuff makes using masks afterwards awkwards, maybe master fresh has some insights he wants to share. :)
fatribz7/29/2006 8:19:25 am
draw something
turn on a mask color.
click the mask color once
then click undo.

thats my route and i haven't notice the masks getting jacked the last handful of attempts, but they have all been reverse masking the background color and not individual colors in the draw, so i dunno! slack draws are fun, though!
HALE7/29/2006 8:55:50 am
the advice is nice