Untitled - by emma
- by emma - 10/4/2006 - 6:42:39 am
v1- by emma - 10/4/2006 6:42:39 am
Emma10/4/2006 6:42:55 am
room in mayfair anyone?
HALE10/4/2006 8:19:54 am
Whitechapel is cheaper.
Emma10/4/2006 8:29:15 am
not at my rates! ^_^
HALE10/4/2006 8:46:21 am
Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect ?200.
The angry flagman10/4/2006 12:30:32 pm
Hey Emm, Rent a room to Shovelhead so he can see you dont have a dead puppy.
Emma10/4/2006 12:40:05 pm
yeah and then maybe it will keep him quite!
Emma's puppy10/4/2006 12:48:12 pm
trust me, I'm dead.
The angry flagman10/4/2006 1:09:46 pm
No. You cant be dead, Who is going to feed the carp? You know you would miss the fish if you were gone.
Emma10/4/2006 1:26:18 pm
im start to hate him now ?_?
mf10/4/2006 1:46:38 pm
im with ya emma. if my puppy died and was poked fun of in such a manner, i'd be hatin too.
The angry flagman10/4/2006 3:26:06 pm
I wasn't making fun of you losing a puppy. I know you didnt have a puppy or a bird. You did state that you had a pond full of carp. ( We call them goldfish if there pets, Carp if there wild) I was joking that if you were not here, you could not feed your fish. No offense meant.
shovelhead10/4/2006 3:30:42 pm
if the carp was the birds last meal,and the bird was the puppys last meal,who cought the damn fish to begin with?
Emma's puppy10/4/2006 3:39:13 pm
The End
Emma10/5/2006 8:57:00 am
once and for all ihve had no dead puppy or any dead bird!
the only dead pet i did have a around was a hamster, a cat and a guien pig but there in grave back at my old house!
my dad has the carp, goldfish and water snails over at his house.
the only living pet i have left living here with me is my dog daisy and she is very much alive at the age of 14
shovelhead10/5/2006 3:33:18 pm
i'm lost!!!!! is the carp dead or alive?
mf10/5/2006 5:40:47 pm
i cant stand internet speak, but im gonna use it now:

Emma10/6/2006 8:49:22 am
the carp is alive!
so is my dog
shovelhead10/6/2006 12:52:28 pm
ralph machio ?????????