WtfF - by fatribz
- by fatribz - 11/13/2006 - 10:24:23 am
v1- by fatribz - 11/13/2006 10:24:23 am
fatribz11/13/2006 10:24:34 am
fatribz11/13/2006 10:37:58 am
also! i am starting the game..it can be the 10eastern game or whatnot, its gonna be a point and click adventure game much in the style of old sieera and lucasarts games....

anything goes, just balls to the balls insane adventure woot1$! if anyone wants to help with characters/animations,backgrounds,music,sounds, story or anything HOLLAHH!
loopdogg11/13/2006 10:57:12 am
that sounds awesome!!!
lm11/13/2006 11:27:56 am
sounds nice. but what about teh programming?
fatribz11/13/2006 12:02:14 pm
most of the basics for the game are already done for you in the AGS (http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/)

you can do some scripting for other things if need, be we will see..but for now we can def make a basic adventure game with people to talk to, items to use, puzzles to solve and blah blah.. there are scripts written already too, prolly for combat engines and shit, i dunno.. imma start a thread here about this for further discussion.. my youtube video of an example i made yesterday will be up in shortly tooo
tim11/13/2006 12:39:52 pm
i'll gladly contribute my body to this work of science.
ethermonkey11/13/2006 1:03:19 pm
enlisted and ready for duty, sgt.!
\<11/13/2006 4:06:47 pm
ive worked with ags before. i dont know a lot, but i do know something. if i remember it :)