Untitled - by purplemartin
- by purplemartin - 7/31/2007 - 5:56:18 pm
v1- by purplemartin - 7/31/2007 5:56:18 pm
purplemartin7/31/2007 5:56:42 pm
not quite fat as fatribz.
fatribz8/3/2007 4:54:19 am
i disagree, i dunno how i missed this one, then i saw the words and couldnt take it. this is reealy cool and i love the obese elephant n pie. what is that green patch on the right?
purplemartin8/3/2007 5:21:01 pm
s'posed to be camo inspired cloth...most of my ideas are interrupted by life happening. Inevitably I have to join in.