Untitled - by idwtwwr
- by idwtwwr - 8/9/2007 - 5:34:23 pm
v1- by idwtwwr - 8/9/2007 5:34:23 pm
ididnthitsave8/9/2007 5:35:59 pm
yanbu8/9/2007 7:03:48 pm
is that a rock/bush riding a bicycle?
loopdogg8/10/2007 8:03:09 am
man, so nice. trompe l'oeils
kix8/10/2007 5:00:25 pm
what is a trompe d'oeil?
idwtwwr8/10/2007 9:11:59 pm
yup, started out as things riding things, not sure about the rest.
i just returned from reggaejam. tried hard, but never enjoyed it though.