Untitled - by purplemartin
- by purplemartin - 8/10/2007 - 6:52:38 pm
v1- by purplemartin - 8/10/2007 6:52:38 pm
purplemartin8/10/2007 6:53:47 pm
the mink family specimens in my backyard. The first is my sighting from May, and the second I saw crossing the road in July. The second is most likely a mink.
eN-Titty8/11/2007 9:42:57 am
wow, I don't want to run into any 4 foot mink. the most largest a male North American mink reaches is about 24 inches with another 10 inches for a tail. females are smaller. Although as a state lic'd wildlife rehabilitator, I've been called to a home where the lady said a giant woodchuck was trying to gain acces to her house....turned out to be a fat chipmunk. Unless you're used to seeing these things all the time, your brain can play tricks on you.
fatribz8/11/2007 11:11:39 am