Untitled - by JVB
- by JVB - 1/25/2005 - 12:08:25 pm
v1- by JVB - 1/25/2005 12:08:25 pm
JVB-831/25/2005 12:08:50 pm
mf1/25/2005 3:09:45 pm
i know this is wrong, but... Gwar "crack in the egg" or "gor-gor". maybe?
Anubix1/26/2005 4:39:12 pm
This is kinda random, but I missed getting Slint tickets awhile ago, does anyone want to scalp me some? I give you my first born.
friend of friend of friend1/26/2005 7:14:46 pm
dinosaur junior, but it looks more like a crocodile or alligator, maybe i am incorrect, enlighten me please.
JVB-831/27/2005 9:41:04 am
friend of a friend friend's friend1/29/2005 9:40:40 am
Aligator Jr. ?
andy b1/29/2005 5:13:21 pm
Alligator Egg Babies!
JVB-832/1/2005 8:30:49 am
nope, it's an album cover
KsR2/8/2005 10:57:04 am
Ich bin "Schnappi - das kleine Krokodil" lalalaa. ^^