I am afraid so Doctor, your son is retarded. Or how I pass the mustard and learned to hold the gas. - by fatribz, yanbu, idwtwwr
I am afraid so Doctor, your son is retarded. Or how I pass the mustard and learned to hold the gas.
- by fatribz, yanbu, idwtwwr - 3/16/2008 - 7:49:39 pm Time: 1 hr 11 mins 12 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by fatribz - 3/16/2008 7:49:39 pm
Time: 26 mins 16 secs
fatribz3/16/2008 7:53:40 pm


i feel like such a punk rocker tonigte no mans land, yeah, by this time next year tthunderdan will too when he gets new green shoes with Ez-tye(r) laces.
v2 - by fatribz - 3/16/2008 7:59:05 pm
Time: 12 secs
v3 - by fatribz - 3/17/2008 9:55:34 am
Time: 25 mins 39 secs
v4 - by yanbu - 3/17/2008 8:50:34 pm
Time: 13 mins 22 secs
fatribz3/18/2008 9:10:11 am
v5 - by idwtwwr - 3/18/2008 11:54:18 am
Time: 5 mins 43 secs
fatribz3/18/2008 11:59:36 am
thank you too, i feel much better!
tthunderdan3/18/2008 1:12:40 pm
...green shoes with ezytie laces, now what is that supposed to mean, I don't know...
FailedSquare3/19/2008 11:56:55 pm
i love that title.