bazzar - by fatribz, lm
- by fatribz, lm - 4/3/2008 - 10:52:18 pm Time: 15 mins 33 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by fatribz - 4/3/2008 10:52:18 pm
Time: 1 min 36 secs
fatribz4/3/2008 10:52:45 pm
herbie hakromd - hackkit
fatribz4/3/2008 10:56:52 pm
so you make a bezier with two anchor points. but you think your done? ***k no, folks! theres more in life! the bounty is without end. click and frag(drag) from the outsided the box and pull it around town for another bez with a new SEDCONDAS anchor. if the curve gives you lipps and makes one a new, just pull out the box and try from the opposite corner and IT WILL COMPLY.(!). two sides work as a team in the HANDSHAKE. then you can get all sorts of lovely shit crayon crusher would approve of and momma loves you. Mother Mary is our only hope in this world wide gangster computer god puppeting playboy scum on top. go ahead, try it out here and lets all meet up for a popcorn bag sometime.

fatribz4/3/2008 10:57:52 pm
fatribz4/3/2008 11:03:31 pm
btw yanbu, last night i had a dream and we were hanging out. we went to the film theater, but everything was lit up and everyone was in collaborative efforts of enjoying the film. errbady was chattin and crackin jokes about it, basiclly it went into this awesome painting(!!!) animation (yes, high qaulity artwork for artwork frame by frame) rendition of these scoudnral bastards in a canoe getting thrown all about this aztec aquaduct to their death.. i guess there were these handfulla criminal mofos trying to escape justice when theire canoe got caught up in a sweet as cinematic mishap of crashes and waterrsuhers and man made waterfalls in the aztec brick style..derr it was fun to watch and the masterpiece of the paintings for each frame was astaounding. anyways we had a great time and there was just knyock kyock jokes to be had and the whole theater was enjoying themselves and blabbering across the seats. so anyways it was cool and im trying to be really uncool on 10e again. 10e is my blog and im recording ass tons of records for my pal that is selling records on ebay by the 50count lot, so i record to an external so he can enjoy for later after post-selling. all that dance music shit :i.

v2 - by lm - 4/4/2008 6:56:40 am
Time: 13 mins 57 secs
allman vibe4/4/2008 7:04:53 am
pretty colors

i had a dream about 10 eastern not long ago.. that i drew a picture and everyone told me it was ugly.. i must be a loser!
fatribz4/4/2008 7:51:56 am
everyone's a winning in the game of life.
and wowoow, lm
yanbu4/4/2008 4:41:52 pm
bezier hack! fatrinbz that sounds like a nice dream, when are we going to have headports? to connect our (anyone's) brains via LAN and run collaborative dreaming, or drawing, tug-o-war contests etc. . so many possibilities. could you imagine accidentally leaving your head connected to the net overnight? i'm imagining head spam or being hacked by using a poor brainwall etc? like spammers leaving ads about penis enlargement deep into your brain, people downloading your childhood - symantec will develop a mindsweep program, etc

fatribz4/5/2008 2:07:26 pm
It was a great dream, favorite in a while. but
man o man, I pray to God that I never desire the ever-tempting but most likely soul-devouring computer brains. It is just tooooooooo risky and life almost one hundred percent gets noticeably more pleasant with the less junk I have in my brain. unfortunately i still believe i have to outpour lots of garbage on the doorstep of 10e to accomplish that goal of self cleansing.. anyhow i leave with a Gödel quote:

To develop the skill of correct thinking is in the first place to learn what you have to disregard. In order to go on, you have to know what to leave out; this is the essence of effective thinking."

(unfortunately this guy was paranoid and fully hypochondriac for no real reason and it ended up killing him...it can be hard to follow your own advice sometimes, ehy?)