Blue Cotton Candy - by The Angry Flagman, fatribz
Blue Cotton Candy
- by The Angry Flagman, fatribz - 8/21/2008 - 6:12:31 pm Time: 48 mins 28 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by The Angry Flagman - 8/21/2008 6:12:31 pm
Time: 38 mins 9 secs
The Angry Flagman8/21/2008 6:13:25 pm
Ohhh so sticky.......
v2 - by The Angry Flagman - 8/21/2008 6:14:12 pm
Time: 30 secs
v3 - by fatribz - 8/22/2008 11:30:58 am
Time: 9 mins 49 secs
fatribz8/22/2008 11:31:07 am
update, the moon now has rings!
The Angry Flagman8/22/2008 2:36:54 pm
Wow dude! Its exactly how it kinda looked.... Coolness!