the never moving rain cloud over Norwich,UK - by Emma.
the never moving rain cloud over Norwich,UK
- by Emma. - 1/23/2009 - 5:05:47 am Time: 7 mins 45 secs
v1- by Emma. - 1/23/2009 5:05:47 am
Time: 7 mins 45 secs
Al1/23/2009 7:54:59 am
That sucks, but its part of life over there, right?
Emma.1/23/2009 2:47:48 pm
oh yeah, it never not cold or wet here.
its either snowing, raining or windy or just very cloudy. :/
fatribz1/23/2009 5:42:51 pm
interesting stuff hither=--mmake a mooove