Korodai, Red Geisha - by TehNewbstress
Korodai, Red Geisha
- by TehNewbstress - 2/5/2009 - 10:58:17 pm Time: 1 hr 29 mins 29 secs
v1- by TehNewbstress - 2/5/2009 10:58:17 pm
Time: 1 hr 29 mins 29 secs
TehNewbstress2/5/2009 10:58:46 pm
Another of the three geisha characters..
fatribz2/6/2009 6:38:13 pm
coolness, id like to see animation
TehNewbstress2/7/2009 12:00:18 am
Heh, a lot of bezier and line tool.
fatribz2/7/2009 10:11:30 am
i mean a cartoon film!!
TehNewbstress2/7/2009 5:37:21 pm
xD Oh, heh, yeah that too.

That would be a lot of work.. xD