le don - by wabschke
le don
- by wabschke - 3/29/2009 - 3:05:27 pm Time: 4 mins 46 secs
collaborative drawing open to wabschke
v1- by wabschke - 3/29/2009 3:05:27 pm
Time: 4 mins 46 secs
idwtwwr3/29/2009 6:08:56 pm
hallo wabschke =)
wabschke3/30/2009 1:50:49 am
hihi woher wusstest du dass ich deutsch kann?
idwtwwr3/30/2009 7:34:25 am
war nur nen guess. sounds quite german..
fatribz3/30/2009 2:35:03 pm
what gave away idwtwwr thinking ye are German, wabschke?
was it the 'hallo'? oder war es das bild?!
strange to me.
idwtwwr3/31/2009 7:57:23 pm
wabschke is a german name or thats what i thought.
wabschke4/1/2009 12:52:03 am
YES it is... ever heard of the hauptmann von köpenick? wabschke is a name in a play of carl zuckmayer. you should read that! ^.^"

"Im ersten Teil werden Sie sich fast zu Tode lachen, im zweiten merken Sie, dass Sie noch leben."
fatribz4/1/2009 9:32:13 am
idwtwwr said: "hallo wabschke =)"

you respond with roughly:
"hihi how did you know that I might be German?"

if i went up to a guy with a name tag that said

and say "Hello Igor"

I wouldn't expect him to say
"how did you know I was Russian?"

i would expect him to say
"ur vulgar"

and so my head is dead
idwtwwr4/1/2009 11:12:09 am
if i saw i guy named igor and went up to him (guessing at his name that he might be russian) and say
"sdarova igor"
he would probably answer in russian if he is russian. so did wabschke as i aprroached him with "hallo (not hello) wabschke"
wabschke4/1/2009 2:44:38 pm
genau! so ist es! (exactly! that's it!)
fatribz4/1/2009 5:42:40 pm
thats the ticket i was searching for.. i did mention/suspect that but it seemed too innocent. i am likely to even say 'hallo' and just think i'm being cool!

Alright- case closed, thanks e-pals