Untitled - by mez
- by mez - 11/21/2004 - 12:43:51 am
v1- by mez - 11/21/2004 12:43:51 am
mez11/21/2004 12:44:33 am
I hate losing my glasses.

If I could see where they were, I wouldn't need them in the first place!
tthunderdan11/21/2004 7:46:01 am
...and you always find them, the last place you look...rite?
logic11/22/2004 5:07:25 am
of course you find them in the last place you look: because once you've found them you stop looking.
tthunderdan11/22/2004 5:56:51 am
very good, that is probably why you got the name logic